3:25 am, Monday September 13, 2004.
I asked for some cranberry juice.
The nurse gave me the crazy sideeye.
"You can't drink while you're in labor."
"I realize this, but I really want some cranberry juice." (me thinking to myself, I haven't eaten in about 20 hours, I'l been in labor for 11 hours and whatever I had in my stomach is now in the bottom of a plastic bag)
"So, exactly why am I feeling pain?"
"She's only halfway out."
"Um...can you get her ALL the way out?"
baby cries--barely. breathing. she gave me the sleepy look, then the curious look and then the sleepy look plus a yawn.
"She's beautiful, but I promise you I am never volunteering my services for this endeavor ever again." (Laugh)
They took her away to check her and the nurses wheeled us into our room.
She just looked so little and fragile and dark with a head of hair and little ears sticking out. It still hadn't all sunk in yet, that I was someone's mommy.
But when I got back ...there were two boxes of cranberry juice on the table. I knew everything was alright
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