Sunday, May 15, 2011

The End...?

I'm pretty sure this is the end of Jerry Springer Moments.

It's been real, it's been fun.

No grand finale for me. I just think I've grown past a lot of the things and issues that I thought made for an interesting blog.

I could be wrong. I may not even be missed. *shrug*

I'm going to continue to hold down TTDBYD and What Not to Name Your Baby, but this is the end of Springer.

In case you're wondering--I'm going to leave everything as cliffhangers. No point in dredging up past dramas. If you know me and you're still interested in hearing stories of debauchery and random funniness, you know where to find me.

Thanks for reading!

I'll end with one last "final thought"--

I've been to and seen a lot of places. I've done and said a lot of things. some good. some not so good, but at the end of the day I've always been the same person. I'm not changing that. And if you don't like it (or me) I could care less. However, I hope that I've been able to change something--the way you think about things or life or maybe even made you laugh at the fact that no matter what you're going through someone somewhere else may have it worse than you or can at least relate. So the next time you find yourself in a Jerry Springer type scenario, just put on your blue eyeshadow and your Walmart shirt and get to scrappin'

Take care of yourselves and each other.

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