My 13 year old God son has started getting his little rocks off.
Yep! He's having sex.
At 13!!!
This should not surprise me, but somehow it does. The girl in question is apparently also 13 and from what I was told this is NOT her first sexual partner
I'm quietly seething and resisting the urge to knock the black off these kids

At the risk of sounding like a bonafide adult...I am not understanding why kids think it is cute to have sex and/or think that teenage pregnancy is just the way to go.
I'm not about to give a lecture or a sermon. But I can honestly speak from the perspective of someone who had sex a little too early. I love my daughter dearly, but I consider it a blessing that I had her at 27 and not 17. That I was smart enough to finish both high school and college before getting myself caught up in some baby daddy drama--and to be honest I don't have that now.
That being said I think it is completely unrealistic to teach kids that abstinence is the only way... AHEM! Sarah Palin-- that route obviously did NOT work for your family...however, knowing the potential risks and consequences, I don't want to condone teenage sexual activity either.
Ah so, we enter the parental quandary...
It's not my place to tell folks how to raise their kids--although in this case I think I'm gonna have my godson talk to my friend Sarina who is a social worker and former counselor who worked with young people who are newly diagnosed with HIV/AIDS. All I'm saying is we have to be mindful. Shoot, I want to have my speech (and my shotgun) well prepared from when my daughter gets close to that age.
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