Sunday, December 6, 2009

Episode 50- Life

I think I've tried to write and re-write this episode 4 or 5 times. Sigh!

I've been in hermit mode again...but this isn't a bad thing. Trying to get some things situated and work on my book. I'm mildly stressed--no more than usual, especially this time of year-- but ok. I'm working through some things but I have faith they will all come together.

Very odd...despite it all I feel very calm. This is a little abnormal for me. Old me would be stressed to the hilt and upset. New me trusts that it will be done the way it's supposed to be.

On a more good news/bad news P got her book published. It's out, it's done, but it has caused quite a bit of controversy and revelation and family drama prior to the holidays. That's not great news but--with the exception of one thing it was pretty much what I expected would happen. What I didn't completely expect was how much it would change people BEFORE they even read it. Me included, though I did read it obviously.

Been a weird week--so for Sunday I say, let's try this again...sigh! Let's hope/pray things get better.

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