Monday, September 13, 2010

30 Day Challenge- Day 1 The Introduction

Ok, so I'm slacking on my blog(s), I needed some motivation and to boot I have to keep a blog as part of my class so I'll just call this practice.

Thanks to both @Kingsmomma and @Malika (both very funny, interesting and well written blogs) I've decided to take up the 30 day challenge. There is a list of topics starting with today's which is where apparently I am supposed to introduce myself...

So here it is.

This is me: I'm a writer, spoken word and hip hop artist, editor, grad student and a mom (not necessarily in that ORDER). I'm funny, sarcastic, honest (sometimes brutally),I have a quick wit. I am in fact a genius (or close to it) and a certified super nerd.I am also super eclectic--my taste in various things run all over the map (particularly with regards to music)

I enjoy the usual fun stuff but for the most part I'm pretty laid back and kinda go with the flow. I'm a Libra if you couldn't tell by that last statement. LOL. My birthday is in fact next week. (I know this sounds very Miss America Pageant-ish)My dislikes include liars, closed minded individuals and sweet potatoes (I will in fact gag on site).

I see myself as the person no one else sees coming, if that makes sense. I'm, I guess what they call the "X factor" like the one thing you didn't expect that just changed the game. That's always been me--the secret weapon if you will. I have an abundance of hidden talent.

What else?

Oh yeah, if you've been reading this blog you know that certain things and wild stories seem to happen to me and nobody else but me...lls...and hence I document it all here. What fun would life be otherwise?

Day 1 down.

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