Every time I think about S right now I'm itchin' to start fighting like two rednecks over their cousin. Uggh!
I can't take it. Damn sensitive ass!
I want to walk away so bad. Again. Actually let me get it straight...last time I wasn't the one that walked out. I just wasn't playing the I want to take you back game. And I'm not about to play that game now either...
I am just so sick of going back and forth over the same thing over and over. Sometimes S you just need to STFU. Every time I say something it's always taken so personal, like I just walk around deliberately trying to insult people. Now if you know anything about me, if I WANT to insult you there will be NO question about the deliberateness of my words. I'll admit I can be a real bitch if/when it's called for. But under normal circumstances I abhor conflict. So that being said...why must everything be an argument. Stop acting like a little biotch! It's not a good look.
I'm not saying you have to be hard, but damn! give that sensitive shit a rest sometimes sheesh! What's wrong with enjoying the relationship for what it is instead of always blowing stupid little petty stuff out of proportion. WTF...you seriously got offended because I told you (jokingly mind you) that you suck! %$#@&! Are you fucking kidding! It's like I almost think you are purposely doing this shit to sabotage the relationship. And the worst part is I don't even think you realize it. Then when I do leave you'll be the first one crying (literally) about how you knew I was gonna leave you...really? fucking manipulative ass bullshit. Where they do that at? Lord forgive me I just had a true ghetto moment. You can't just be easy, shiiiiiit you just don't know... all that petty high school teeth sucking silent treatment phone hanging up reverse psychology bullshit doesn't work on me sweetie.
Now normally I don't use this blog to completely vent...rather to tell outrageous stories, but damn if this ain't a talk show moment I don't know what is. So let me say this as plainly as I can: S you are plucking my last nerve like it's a guitar string. I'm telling you now because no matter how much I love you, if you don't start acting like you have some damn sense I'm going to walk. Period. I'm gonna need you to get it together.
Ok. I'm done venting. just gonna sit back and STFU.
We now return you to our regularly scheduled program

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