I mentioned awhile back I have this friend I'll call E who's husband cheated on her.
Now E's husband had a baby with said Random Chick, who turned out to be a complete and total psychopath. In all the tit for tat back and forth to court, jail etc etc., E managed to get Random Chick fired from her job awhile back (which would've probably happened regardless because Random Chick is an admitted drug user).
So... economy being what it is, Random Chick has apparently become a stripper at a local club. Now I'm not knocking anyone's hustle, BUT
This is funny for a few reasons...
a) Random Chick is not what I would call stripper material in the buttockal (yeah I made that shyt up...lol) area (unless you like members of the nosital crew).
b) the reason E knows that Random Chick is now dancing for change (and I don't mean for Obama) is because another stripper who knows baby daddy snitched on her.
I though strippers had some sorta code of ethics regarding stuff like that. Can they stripper sanction her, or like take away her pole priveleges for that? I mean if you can't trust a stripper with your secrets, who can you trust?
ROTFL. But damn if this wasn't made for tv...
And the FUNNIEST part is, now my homegirl wants me to go with her to the strip club (the bi girl taking the straight girl to the girl on girl strip club to see the baby mama shake her non-existant ass on a pole...ooooh THIS should be GOOD and COMICAL)!!
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