Friday, June 26, 2009

RIP Micheal Jackson

I had to say...
I had to say something...

I promised I wouldn't post the pic of my mom in her Thriller jacket. I could talk about the kid who moonwalked off stage at my high school graduation--I never could get the moonwalk right. Or maybe, about the time just last summer when I performed the entire Beat It video in the parking lot of Shopper's Food Warehouse to entertain my daughter and god daughter... and dancing with my roommate to that same song in our flat in London. We danced to Heartbreak Hotel at karaoke a few months ago and I remembered how much I loved that song. I remember where I was when the Thriller video came on tv...and when everyone was breathless watching the Black or White video.

So many good memories wrapped in the music. The world misses you already. Sigh!

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