Man I don't know what's up with this...
Now I have this weird dream thing going on. Ok wait let me back up and explain. I'm not psychic or clairvoyant or anything like that, but I think maybe awhile back in this blog I explained I have two "super powers" (or as Malika called it a "gift/curse"
The first one is the ability to talk up events or people at random. Meaning, for instance, I could be having a conversation about something...and it could be far fetched, or about a person I haven't spoken with in awhile and the next thing you know, what I said or the person in question will suddenly materialize. I have never learned to "control" it, which is why I am careful sometimes about what I say because I never know if it may happen. And it DOES happen very often, but as I said it completely works at random. I can't just say I want to win the lottery ( I wish!!!) and win.
The second gift is the dream thing...there is no name for it, I just call it the dream thing. It kind of goes along with the talking stuff up. As long as I can remember I have been a massively hard sleeper...I actually slept through a major earthquake once. Anyway, the deal is 90% of the time I DO NOT remember my dreams. Then there is that other 10%...about 5% are "fish dreams"...
Fish dreams as the old folks tell it mean that someone around you is pregnant. When I have fish dreams I am always right. I don't know why but I am really sensitive to pregnancies. I'll dream about fish in some way shape or form--I never know who it is, but typically within a week or two either someone will call me or I will get the urge to call someone around me and bam...they're preggo. LOL. The best story was at a former of my coworkers was out for the day, so a couple of us went in her office to eat lunch. I told a third coworker while we were sitting in the office that the night before I had had a fish dream. She laughed at me... that was on a Friday. On Monday when co-worker #1 came back to work, we all had lunch together. She said "well I have something to tell you ladies." I said "wait before you do..." I looked at co-worker #2 said "I told you so." and then told #1 to finish her sentence. Sure enough...
So back to the whole dream thing...the last 5% are the seeming random dreams. I say seemingly because I've learned that much like the other power it's randomness works in my favor. I've learned over time that on the rare occassion that I do remember a dream it's typically beacause I need to pay attention to all or part of it...
Which brings me to the last two nights...I have had two very odd dreams in relation to a couple of projects I'm working on. The one that is sitting with me is the one from last night...
I had a dream that I was updating my facebook status...see we're starting off weird already. LOL. I was sitting at my desk typing so it wasn't one of those I'm outside of my body watching myself dreams. On FB I wrote 4 status updates...I actually remember them word for word and they were in this order:
1. I have 3 pieces of news so amazing they each need their own status space...
2. my book not only got picked up by a major publisher, but it got so much buzz they booked me for Good Morning America
3. My group P.H.A.B got signed to a major record label and our first video premieres on MTV and BET this week
4. I just found out I got a $50,000 MacArthur Genius grant
Now the first one is completely plausible. The second...not impossible. The last one...I've never even considered applying for a genius grant so I don't know where the hell that came from...although again not impossible. I probably would kind of sideeye myself and say what was I smoking that night before...if not for the fact that the night before I had a very similar dream regarding the first and second things.
Hmmm... again this is where life is telling me to pay attention.
If any of the above do actually happen...I promise you I will come back to this and literally copy what I just said word for word. All dreams are possible I suppose...
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