Monday, April 12, 2010

Episode 62- The Twilight Zone

So last week for me officially qualified as the weirdest week in the history of the universe. Normally, my stories might be drama filled, but I try to keep it light and funny.

This past week, not so much.

I swear to you, I've never had so much happen at the same time...some of it good, most of it very bad. Culminating with a very psychedelic trip to the ER...courtesy of stress induced insomnia and a few too many sleeping pills. Note to self: I will NEVER take so much as a vitamin again as long as I live.

I don't even know where to begin with this, so I won't...other than to say it's defintely a story for the books--hence why I even make mention of it, but I pray to leave this week way back like a bad memory--close this worm hole in the space time continuum and hope that things get better ASAP.

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