Well d'uh, I'm a writer. Can I help if my life is um...at least partially interesting...sometimes... lmao.
I went to Vegas last week...just got back yesterday. Won't tell the entire story, but the highlights include...
- I missed my connection from Atlanta to Vegas because I got um...sidetracked...yeah that's a good word for it--by "the devil's advocate." *secret nod*
- I sat next to a crazy old guy on the plane who kept flirting with me and giving me Jack Daniel's shots
- I had a pretty good visit with my family with only minor drama
- My baby and I had a great day at the lake and she did absolutely fabulous at graduation
- I came home broke but breathing and otherwise happy
- I had a nice talk with the "Muse" (that's how I will refer to her from here on out) yesterday. Hmmmm... will have to see how that plays itself out...I'll explain that whole thing in another episode when I actually have more to tell.
As you can see my vacation was not without some adventure and story potential. I'm still jet lagged, but again...breathing... and if I had to take something away from this...I just want to be able to meditate on the following scene...because THIS speaks for itself

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