Sunday, March 14, 2010

Episode 58- The Deal Breakers

Just when I thought I was safe from the drama...

So I went out on Friday and by happenstance ended up having a conversation with a very interesting person. Turns out we have a lot in common--including the fact that he hosts a open mic venue, so out initial conversation was all about that.

Later in the evening he says he's really into me. So--we exchange numbers.

Now...if you know anything about me, or if you've read my previous entries--you know a) I don't date much--for a reason and b) I'm nothing if not upfront and honest...keep those things in mind.

So yesterday he calls me and we talk for a little while and I say, I have a couple of things you should know upfront that might be potential deal breakers

1. My schedule is really, really hectic between school, work and performing--so if you're the type that needs to be around me 24/7 that's not going to work.
2. I have a daughter. She's priority #1 so if you don't like children it's a wrap here's what I get in response...

1.The schedule thing I understand because I am in school too.
2.As far as kids I definitely do not have a problem with that because I have a 10 year old, 6 year old and 8 month old twins (btw he's in his 30's--and there is more than one baby mama, but according to what I'm told no baby mama drama)

So then... we continue talking and then I find out...he spent 2 years in prison.

The short story is, he's ex military and did two tours in Iraq. When he came home he had some readjustment issues and it subsequently led to a fight which led to an assault charge. Ironically he said to me that he feels like it did him good because he has since been able to get things back on track...

I didn't quite know how to react. What do you say to something like that? Does it become a deal breaker? Hmm...

If you were me, what do you do?

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