Ah so...it is too early in the day and in the week for such drama.
A long time ago I wrote about a bunch of drama with a friend of mine named Mr. X (I don't feel like digging up old posts or old dirt...lol). Long story short Mr. X has had, let's just say a long and sordid track record with women. But we're cool and we're friends.
Well Mr. X got married a few days ago. Which is a good thing, because maybe...just maybe he will be settled and get things together. Now the drama comes because I was not invited to the wedding. Understand that this is not coming from my end...I knew well in advance before he even said it to me to expect this. There are a few reasons why I could justify my non-invitation--mainly because we have a sort of backstory--even though this is long in the past and way, way before wifey was in the picture. I've actually met the new Mrs. X on a few occassions and she's really nice. The thing is Mr. X and I have a bunch of mutual friends... so far three of them have hit me up (publicly at that--either via FB or Twitter) asking why I wasn't at the wedding.
Ok, so how to politely explain without being all obviousman about it...
So far I've answered with the truth which is that I was at the Cherry Blossom Festival. Not sure I want to delve into it on any level with anyone who's asked me...what I feel like saying is ask Mr. X, but since I'm quite sure he's blissfully enraptured in his new nuptials I'm not sure that's the best idea since I would hate to create some marital discord.
For all intents and purposes I hold absolutely not hard feelings and I really hope things go well for them. Sigh...I think I may do best to just avoid the question all together and vow to keep my mouth shut.
Speak now or forever hold your peace.
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