So my a friend of mine called me a little while ago and tells me she's going to stop by my house for a few...actually she picked me up so we could go play Secret Squirrel.
Secret Squirrel is spying on your boyfriend/girlfriend/husband/significant other
Gotta tell you a little back story on this. My friend (we'll call her J) is dealing with a very well off, very cute, very married (but currently separated) man. Given the circumstances of their (ahem) arrangement there are some inherent trust issues so she wanted to do a drive his job and see if he was being a good little boy.
So you know me...anything for the betterment of mankind--that's what we did. LMAO. Now mind you I haven't done one of my little stealth missions in minute. We get up there and park like across from the building--you can kinda see in and everything looks all good. After about a half hour or so he leaves and his business associate who was also there leaves. Now I had parallel parked the car across the street next to a fence to get a good vantage point and so we wouldn't been seen--you would've had to be looking to find us, plus I was parked behind an SUV.
Wouldn't you know ol' boy's business associate owned the SUV!!
He starts walking over towards the car. J is hiding in the passenger seat trying to scootch down with her hat on her face because this guy has met her before. Me on the other hand, I don't move cause I'm thinking maybe he won't notice me--which of course he sees me but I start giving the look like what--I'm waiting on someone so I think he saw me but he didn't acknowledge me so I just chilled until he left. Maaaaaaan that was some funny shyt right there. I think we laughed all the way back to the house. I was like what if we had got busted...
I'm a grown ass woman dog! Ionevenno (read: I don't even know...lol). I mean at that point in the game what do you even say or do if you get busted. Damn, you couldn't even lie about it...lol
Well, see, what had happened was...
I am so glad I can laugh at myself.
The good news is no news...he really was being good--at least momentarily. The world is safe for now from evil doers and cheating boyfriends.
1 comment:
I mean..if a guy is still married and dealing with her theres a good chance hes dealing with someone else to.Men are horrible liars so i think the easiet thing would have been to ask him straight up what the bussiness is..and did you get that "ima grown ass woman dawg" from cedric the entertainer??You crazy...lol.
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