Thursday, May 28, 2009

Episode 39- I've Always Got A Story to Tell

So I've been told I've always got a story to tell...

Well d'uh, I'm a writer. Can I help if my life is least partially interesting...sometimes... lmao.

I went to Vegas last week...just got back yesterday. Won't tell the entire story, but the highlights include...

  • I missed my connection from Atlanta to Vegas because I got um...sidetracked...yeah that's a good word for it--by "the devil's advocate." *secret nod*
  • I sat next to a crazy old guy on the plane who kept flirting with me and giving me Jack Daniel's shots
  • I had a pretty good visit with my family with only minor drama
  • My baby and I had a great day at the lake and she did absolutely fabulous at graduation
  • I came home broke but breathing and otherwise happy
  • I had a nice talk with the "Muse" (that's how I will refer to her from here on out) yesterday. Hmmmm... will have to see how that plays itself out...I'll explain that whole thing in another episode when I actually have more to tell.

As you can see my vacation was not without some adventure and story potential. I'm still jet lagged, but again...breathing... and if I had to take something away from this...I just want to be able to meditate on the following scene...because THIS speaks for itself


Monday, May 11, 2009

Episode 38-When Waiting is Not Really an Option

Wow, so...

A few months back you may remember I wrote a blog post about my friend Mr. X --the one that had the extra crazy baby mama.

Now keep in mind this was just a few months ago...maybe 6 months at best

How about I just happened to catch a glance at Mr. X's facebook page and saw that he is engaged.

Paused. Let that sink in and then I let my fingers fly at 100 miles an hour to type out an email asking if perhaps I had just "missed something"...


Turns out he just got engaged on Saturday to a girl he has been dating---not baby mama--a different girl.

Needless to say I am shocked. Pause. Let that sink in again. rattle of another email syaing that I suppose "congrats are in order" even though what I am thinking is... wow, seriously...given your track record with women this might not be your best idea...But then again who am I to call it. You are a grown man and I can't really find a reason to object if you're happy *side eye* And OMG when baby mama finds out it's a wrap!!!

Pause. Let THAT marinate. And...

I'm just gonna sit back over here in the corner with some popcorn and watch this made for tv movie. ROTFL.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Episode 37- What I've learned about women

I realize, I've been neglecting my blogs. yeah yeah I know I know...but work has been hectic plus I inadventantly became the adminstrator for an online women's group that has kept me busy, busy, busy, entertained and

And that's what is prompting this blog entry...the group. How to best put this...

They are the wildest, funniest group of people I've ever come across. Now I'm not usually big on joining online groups because you never quite know people's agendas and sometimes if they are not handled properly you get too much back fighting and negativity and then you feel like why the hell did I get myself into this...

But this...completely different. Completely. LOL. And in my capacity as admin I've learned a few things that I would like to share.

1. The people who are the wildest, loudest, most outrageous on the boards...are typically the exact opposite in real life

2. The people who are the most quiet, reserved and laid back... are typically the exact opposite in real life

3. Women are completely capable of holding conversations with, debating, encouraging and building with other women on an intellectual and friendship level without being catty or negative. Who knew? LOL

4. Women have a hard time expressing what it is they really want because a lot of us were taught to be sideline or to sacrifice for the sake of whatever...i.e. we don't take enough time for ourselves to really know what we want much less what we deserve

5. If you really want to understand women...shut up and listen... (I tell my male friends this all the time. LMAO)

Ok...I can't give away all the girl secrets. But what I will say is that this has been an interesting experience for me so far.

I wonder why it can't all be so simple in real life?