Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Episode 64- Why Did You Get Married

Haven't written in minute... not for lack of episode material.

I have many stories but this is a continuing saga--Mr. X, sigh! I've talked about him before, most recently about his marriage a month and a half ago. Earlier this week we had a chit chat about how things were going. Which leads me to this question:

If you dated someone and everything was great except in one very important area, for instance sex, would you marry them knowing the situation would not improve?

For me, this would be a deal breaker. I'm not talking about a problem that can be fixed, I'm talking about sex being bad, non-existent or looked at like it was a requirement rather than something you enjoy. You can't change sexual compatibility or attitudes about sex--and if you know your sex drive is high, marrying someone who sees it that way is a set up to cheat.

Now I didn't want to say I told you so, but I saw that issue coming awhile back. I was hoping I was wrong--and to be fair it hasn't happened yet, but I get the distinct feeling it's simply a matter of time. I told Mr. X I would NEVER advocate cheating on his wife, but again I had to ask if you knew sex was a big issue and you knew your requirements in that area, did you think it would resolve itself over time or did you talk yourself into thinking you could live with it because everything else about wifey was good?

*shrugs shoulders*

If I knew her better I would grab her by the hand and talk her straight to the nearest freak shop. LMAO. If only because I want her to have a fighting chance for her marriage. Sigh!

And this is why I remain single.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Episode 63- Ninjas and a Dominatrix

See, funny but completely random stuff always happens to me. I document it as much as possible because if I didn't I wouldn't believe myself. So my odd story for tonight...

I had class tonight. Because I always have trouble parking on Thursdays I decided I'd try and take the shuttle to the train station and then a couple of stops up to the building. On the way there--no problem. On the way back, it's kinda late by this point. The bus pulls up and it's full of ninjas.

Not even kidding.

Full of ninjas.

And they all start unloading off the bus. So I'm standing there like *wtf* I get on the bus, I give the driver a look--he shrugs. The bus sits there for a few minutes and then some of them get back on. Turns out the university was hosting some sort of scavenger hunt game--the apparel was somehow involved, I don't know, but whatever. Reason #684 why I kinda miss undergrad. LOL.

So, I get back and finally get a chance to sit down and check my email. First thing I see is a reply to an ad I posted re: some freelance editing/writing work. This chick who emailed me was looking for someone to write some bios. Now supposedly, the story was she's an artist manager. So I had asked her for a few details and she'd sent a reply--and something about her reply just threw me off. Call it a hunch...Now, normally, for small jobs I don't do this, but I decided to Google this chick to see if she or her company were legit. I see she has one artist--who IMHO is wack, but whatever. Then I see a bunch of craigslist posts--that kinda make her sound shady, but they were expired, so I couldn't read them in their entirety. Then I see an ad on another site that I've never heard of advertising that this chick is a dominatrix. Some of her ahem "services" include spanking and golden showers.

Now understand...I'm not one to knock anyones...ahem, side hustle. I'm realizing this is a rough economy and all, but I'm saying...

... I'll pass on that.


Monday, April 12, 2010

Episode 62- The Twilight Zone

So last week for me officially qualified as the weirdest week in the history of the universe. Normally, my stories might be drama filled, but I try to keep it light and funny.

This past week, not so much.

I swear to you, I've never had so much happen at the same time...some of it good, most of it very bad. Culminating with a very psychedelic trip to the ER...courtesy of stress induced insomnia and a few too many sleeping pills. Note to self: I will NEVER take so much as a vitamin again as long as I live.

I don't even know where to begin with this, so I won't...other than to say it's defintely a story for the books--hence why I even make mention of it, but I pray to leave this week way back like a bad memory--close this worm hole in the space time continuum and hope that things get better ASAP.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Episode 61- I'm Convinced It's Made Out of Platinum and Crack...

I haven't laughed this hard in quite awhile...

So my brother calls me, I think I've posted about him before--he was the one that the GF who hid out in his closet until she fell asleep and got busted (still one of the funniest stories EVER!!). He has a crazy, insane history with some crazy, insane women--including a deranged baby mama and a more deranged ex-wife. the story goes my brother decided to move to Florida a few months back to be closer to his kids (because the ex wife moved there). He and the ex have a very up and down relationship, mostly because she's a nutjob! I know she's a nutjob--I've known this chick for years because they actually started dating back when we were all still in high school.

So the other day my brother tells me that this chick got mad over some lame bs. He sat on the sofa and laughed at her (I know him well enough to believe him when he says this, because he's just as laid back and as big of a smart ass as I am), this crazy bitch called one of her friends and just randomly started yelling "you better not hit me again" to make it seem like he'd put hands on her--he was smart enough to a) not touch her and b) roll out.

Tell me why?

Tell me why this looney tunes called him yesterday asking if she could come by and get some

Errr [insert Shaggy and Scooby noise]

Um yeah...

and then to top it all off...cause it can get no funnier... BMD (that's what we call his baby mama--BMD= Baby Mama Drama) called and said that (even though she has a new boyfriend and like 6-7 kids) she wants to move down to Florida to be with my brother.

WTF? Where they do that at? and who does that? LMAO.

Just wow!

Ladies I'm not knockin the man, cause he's my homie, my brother from another mother--but seriously did I miss the memo about a shortage of good d!ck (yes I realize the irony of that question coming from me)?

It cannot possibly be that crucial. smdh. rotfl. woo lawd these dumb ass chicks kill me.