New Years always reminds me of that scene in Forrest Gump:
I feel a lot like that.
I'm spending my New Year's alone.
Sorta by choice. I knew ahead of time that S and I would not be together on New Year's so in that respect I was content with the situation seeing as how there's really nothing either of us can do about it. I could've gone out to party, but honestly I have no desire to be around anyone and celebrating when truly I don't have much to celebrate. I have my health and my family's health and a great kid and such but truth be told I really feel sorta...
Does that sound weird? I mean I'm drained emotionally from all the b.s. I've had to deal with this year ("killa kung fu wolf bitch" as my friend Kyle called her, immediately comes to mind-but that is another story). I feel like I have accomplished nothing--or at least not much. I want things to be better in so many places in my life. I know that in order for that to happen I need to clear some things with certain people and issues in my life.
Since I am going to be celebrating alone tonight, I thought I would bring it in with a sense of peace because I want that to carry over into the new year--a hot bath, a pedicure, a glass of champagne, my pen and a playlist to meditate with.
I don't have any resolutions this year except the one I discussed with S yesterday--that I will save too for another blog because believe me it is well worthy of it's own Jerry Springer moment. lol. It is what it is, right S? lol
If anything, I just want my new year to be...happy, finally.
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
(Finally?) Happy New Year
jerry springer,
new years,
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Episode 13- Mixed Nuts
There's an article posted today called:
How Visiting Family Warps Your Brain
LMAO!!! Woo boy, I know they must've been talking about me and the nuts I call relatives. Check out this IM I got from my BFF about the article:
roni: hey u see on yahoo how visiting your family warps your brain?
dd6998: YES!!! ROTFL
roni: i know!!
roni: lmao
dd6998: why does that not surprise me?
roni: look at ur family
roni: rotlf
dd6998: EXACTLY!!! ROTFL
That's a shame my best friend of 30 years knows how jacked up we are. LMAO. Why lie. I'm cool with it. I accept that I will never change them. But that's ok. Actually they only drove me slightly nuts at Christmas this year. I told you the pointy end of the stick was off me this time.
Plus I spent some time with my cousins in the evening after baby girl went to sleep which kept me out of the house and away from the dreaded conversation. Nothing like kicking back with some beer and Guitar Hero to take your mind off things. Yeah I said it...lmao.

As you can see, this nut didn't fall too far from the family tree either.
holiday drama,
jerry springer,
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Episode 12- As Seen on TV
4 kids out of wedlock
3 days of my step dad leaving
2 hours of wrapping gifts
1 nagging mother
and a partridge in a pear tree.
Welcome to Christmas with my family.
I should be happy. I'm with my daughter. I love being here with her for Christmas. I'm thankful. I'm blessed. That's really all I wanted. Nothing else.
Still sad though. Wish S was here too. Haven't had the talk with the family about THAT yet. Don't think S is ready to be around them. Don't think I am ready for that yet.
If I wasn't for lil D I would almost rather be home right now.
Not that I don't love my family. I do. But...
I don't know I get a little weird on these visits. I don't know how to explain it. I'm listening to my mom and my great aunt talk about the family (they do this every visit) and the more I listen I'm realizing we are severely screwed up.
Like...ok I'm listening to my mother speaking to my aunt talking about how her ex husband is a bastard and isn't doing shit for anyone--not even their grandson for Christmas. And then I'm listening to my mother talking about how my step dad left on Saturday to go visit a friend of his...he just came back today (it's a weird complicated situation with them and I don't have enough energy to explain it). And then I know it's gonna be crazy tomorrow because we have 4 new babies in the family this year--one of my cousins had TWO with TWO different women. Which is actually a good thing cause then that takes some of the pressure of me to get the pointy end of the life lecture this year. And on and on and on.
See you have to understand, my family is VERY blunt and honest about how they feel. Which is good cause you know they won't lie to you, but bad in that you're going to hear it whether you want to or not--that's ASKING for drama. Which is why am up at 2 am stressing out. I mean it could be worse. In the back of my head I know this. My family is no better or worse than most, but, i don't know... maybe you have to be here to understand.
See, when it comes down to it, I come from a line of country folk with Jerry Springer issues. And I can deny it all I want but I fit in. And maybe that's what fucks with me... I know that I'll never be better than that. So when the food starts flying tomorrow maybe I shouldn't feel so bad. At least I know I'm not the only one.
3 days of my step dad leaving
2 hours of wrapping gifts
1 nagging mother
and a partridge in a pear tree.
Welcome to Christmas with my family.
I should be happy. I'm with my daughter. I love being here with her for Christmas. I'm thankful. I'm blessed. That's really all I wanted. Nothing else.
Still sad though. Wish S was here too. Haven't had the talk with the family about THAT yet. Don't think S is ready to be around them. Don't think I am ready for that yet.
If I wasn't for lil D I would almost rather be home right now.
Not that I don't love my family. I do. But...
I don't know I get a little weird on these visits. I don't know how to explain it. I'm listening to my mom and my great aunt talk about the family (they do this every visit) and the more I listen I'm realizing we are severely screwed up.
Like...ok I'm listening to my mother speaking to my aunt talking about how her ex husband is a bastard and isn't doing shit for anyone--not even their grandson for Christmas. And then I'm listening to my mother talking about how my step dad left on Saturday to go visit a friend of his...he just came back today (it's a weird complicated situation with them and I don't have enough energy to explain it). And then I know it's gonna be crazy tomorrow because we have 4 new babies in the family this year--one of my cousins had TWO with TWO different women. Which is actually a good thing cause then that takes some of the pressure of me to get the pointy end of the life lecture this year. And on and on and on.
See you have to understand, my family is VERY blunt and honest about how they feel. Which is good cause you know they won't lie to you, but bad in that you're going to hear it whether you want to or not--that's ASKING for drama. Which is why am up at 2 am stressing out. I mean it could be worse. In the back of my head I know this. My family is no better or worse than most, but, i don't know... maybe you have to be here to understand.
See, when it comes down to it, I come from a line of country folk with Jerry Springer issues. And I can deny it all I want but I fit in. And maybe that's what fucks with me... I know that I'll never be better than that. So when the food starts flying tomorrow maybe I shouldn't feel so bad. At least I know I'm not the only one.
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Episode 11- Your Cheating Ways
I have been totally engrossed in this new social networking site I joined. They have a lot of "interesting" discussions (I guess that's the right word). On the site I joined a few groups, including a women's discussion group. I realize that that title is very
Anyway, a topic that I have seen come up more than once in the last few days is cheating. How do you know when you mate is cheating on you?
Good question. I have complied a few tell tale signs from various sources (complete with snarky commentary for your reading pleasure). My Christmas gift to you...I've taken the liberty of breaking it up into categories
if he/she:
if he/she:
if he/she
if he/she
if he/she
I'll explain-- see what had happened was I had the locks changed.
if he/she
if he/she
Then of course if you bust the mutherfucker mid-stroke wearing your underwear, a zip up mask and a pair of high you can be pretty sure that their cheating.
Anyway, a topic that I have seen come up more than once in the last few days is cheating. How do you know when you mate is cheating on you?
Good question. I have complied a few tell tale signs from various sources (complete with snarky commentary for your reading pleasure). My Christmas gift to you...I've taken the liberty of breaking it up into categories
if he/she:
- turns the phone off when you're around or puts it on silent
- dismisses calls or will not answer the phone around you
- frequently walks to another room to take calls and whispers or talks low
- takes a call in front of you but will only answer in short 1 word answers like "uh-huh," "yes" and "no"
- will not check messages while you are around
- changes the passwords on the voice mail
- doesn't answer the phone when YOU call, but let you call from another number and they quick as HELL to pick up
- clears out all incoming and outgoing text messages frequently
if he/she:
- spends a LOT of time on IM or chatting (I mean excessive amounts of time)
- shuts everything off abrubtly when you walk in the room
- is up at 2, 3, 4 am chatting (if you live together, this is IMPORTANT)
- has his social networking page set to private (and you are not on friends list)
- has more than 2 email addresses (I can't say shyt I have like 6, but to be fair some of them are for school and some I NEVER use for anything other than to register accounts so I don't get spam)
- has open active accounts at dating sites. (if it's a same sex dating site and your mate is "NOT gay"....THAT's some SERIOUS Jerry Springer ish! I'll be looking for you on a future episode )
if it's a guy and one of his alias screennames is "butchboy_frombhd" somebody gots to get CUT up in here!
- shows up wearing different clothes from when they walked out the door (and you know they didn't just go play ball or something like that...)
- suddenly starts wearing new pieces of jewelry and you have no IDEA where it came from OR the wedding rings start coming up missing off the finger (and I'm telling you--let that be ME and THAT finger will get promptly cut off and shipped back to you in a box with the ring superglued to it and a note that reads--"let's see you take it off NOW!")
- switches from briefs to boxers or granny panties to thongs and NOT for you...only when they walk out the house and with no explanation
- carries and extra set of clothes in the car--for no reason
- starts dressing up to go to Wal-Mart (I had to tell somebody about THAT one on the blogs today! Have mercy!)
- Smell like new cologne/perfume/aftershave or shyt you KNOW you don't wear (I'll be Toucan Sam up in this piece.)
- If they come home and make an immediate beeline for the shower OR
- they come in smelling like they just HAD a shower when they shouldn't.
if he/she
- starts accusing YOU of cheating. RED ALERT RED ALERT. This is a RED ALERT. If you don't go anywhere and your mate is acting suspicious and then they come to YOU accusing you of cheating...that's a guilty conscious talking!
- doesn't want to go out with you anymore but quick to be up and out the house when their homeboy/homegirl calls
- has an attitude with you and/or starts fights so they can "Optimus Prime" (i.e. transform and roll out)
if he/she
- Suddenly has plans or has something come up last minute (and this happens a little too frequently to be coincidence)
- Tells you oh I was with my homeboy I'll be there in 5 mins and shows up an HOUR later
- Whenever you want to go to a certain place together there's always some excuse for why not(prolly cause the bitch he's fucking around with works there!)
- Disappears for large chunks of time that can't be explained...
I'll explain-- see what had happened was I had the locks changed.
- the car smells of perfume/cologne that belongs to neither of you
- you find random items that do not belong to you and are clearly out of place (i.e. condoms, clothing articles, red hair weave. etc)
- the passenger seat is pushed into a different position and you "know" you were the last one in the car
if he/she
- comes up with some new ish that is clearly outside of their realm of expertise OR
- completely stops touching you OR
- starts carrying or coming up with condoms when you never used them before...
if he/she
- comes up with money and you don't know the source
- is suddenly broke--all the time
- won't let you see the phone or credit card bills
Then of course if you bust the mutherfucker mid-stroke wearing your underwear, a zip up mask and a pair of high you can be pretty sure that their cheating.
jerry springer,
signs of cheating,
stupid women,
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Throw your shoes at GW day
I promise to get back to my regularly scheduled programming tomorrow. But this just cracked me up so much...
jerry springer,
journalist throws shoes at Bush,
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Episode 10-But I Love Him...
I had a revelation of sorts today...
I joined (yet another) social networking site today. One of the more interesting facets of the site is the blogs...wooo boy! Talk about drama!
Here's the thing, as I'm reading through some of the relationship blogs the one phrase that I kept coming across over and over again was...
"But I love him" (or some variation thereof).
I HATE this phrase. The reason why I hate it, is because it is usually preceded by some tragically repetitious and familiar tale of he treats me like shit, he doesn't respect me, he's cheating on me, he's cheating WITH me blah blah get the idea.
So, I ask...if you know and recognize that this is not a situation that you are comfortable with...why stay?
Because I love him.
WTF! That just defies all logic.
Now before I continue, I too have been guilty of saying the dreaded phrase. But if age and experience have taught me anything, it's that I know my limitations. You can't possibly tell me that say, you date a married man 3 years--you still honestly believe that he's going to leave his wife for you? Get the fuck outta here.
But I love him.
Do you really? Now I'm not trying to get all high and mighty. I'm really not. So many women make this mistake of staying in unhealthy relationships. Lord knows I did! And if you do it once, that's ok. Lesson learned, move on. But if you keep doing it over and over and over, and you get on that whine about how you can't find a "good" man,
you have to ask it him or is it YOU. Why do we continue to settle for less? Is it a self esteem issue or are we really truly afraid of being alone. Hate to break it you ladies, but contrary to popular belief there is no man shortage, but there damn sure are plenty of sharks in the dating pool, so if you get bit you should know.--it hurts! I just don't understand.
For example, I was reading one of the bloggers on the new site today who was in a situation where she was (very) pregnant by a married man and wanted to know if she should tell the wife. Or, there was another one about a woman who had to ask if she should stop dealing with a man who by her own accounts was a shiftless, lazy, non-working, alcoholic, sonofabitch living in his grandmama's basement and getting money from the various women in his life including an ex wife. Or just last week I found out a former co-worker of mine had been in a manipulating mentally abusive relationship for years. And I'm willing to bet that if you ask any one of them why they put up with it when CLEARLY they weren't happy, they'd all give the EXACT same response...
Because I love him.
Jesus I've written poems about women like this... alloweth me to quote myself from a poem called "SOS"
...They say you should stand for something or fall for anything Well you done fell for the wrong one girlfriend/
But you ready to stand by your man and defend his dumb ass to the bitter end/
He got you so messed up you done cussed out your mama and your best friend/
and all they're trying to do is reason with you/ but when his dumb ass acts up they're the same ones you go running back to/
and they can't figure out why you stick by his ass/
even after he
beat yo' ass
treated you like trash/
cheated on you TWICE
gave you an STD
and paid for that OTHER chick's abortion with YOUR cash/...
Now I will freely admit, that I'm going through my own relationship issues right now, so one could probably argue I don't have room to talk...but seriously, if my biggest complaint to date is just that sometimes S is just a tad bit too sensitive, well then baby I'm doing damn good. I blame that on age and cultural differences. And the difference here is--yes I love S...
But S loves me back.
Food for thought.
I joined (yet another) social networking site today. One of the more interesting facets of the site is the blogs...wooo boy! Talk about drama!
Here's the thing, as I'm reading through some of the relationship blogs the one phrase that I kept coming across over and over again was...
"But I love him" (or some variation thereof).
I HATE this phrase. The reason why I hate it, is because it is usually preceded by some tragically repetitious and familiar tale of he treats me like shit, he doesn't respect me, he's cheating on me, he's cheating WITH me blah blah get the idea.
So, I ask...if you know and recognize that this is not a situation that you are comfortable with...why stay?
Because I love him.
WTF! That just defies all logic.
Now before I continue, I too have been guilty of saying the dreaded phrase. But if age and experience have taught me anything, it's that I know my limitations. You can't possibly tell me that say, you date a married man 3 years--you still honestly believe that he's going to leave his wife for you? Get the fuck outta here.
But I love him.
Do you really? Now I'm not trying to get all high and mighty. I'm really not. So many women make this mistake of staying in unhealthy relationships. Lord knows I did! And if you do it once, that's ok. Lesson learned, move on. But if you keep doing it over and over and over, and you get on that whine about how you can't find a "good" man,

For example, I was reading one of the bloggers on the new site today who was in a situation where she was (very) pregnant by a married man and wanted to know if she should tell the wife. Or, there was another one about a woman who had to ask if she should stop dealing with a man who by her own accounts was a shiftless, lazy, non-working, alcoholic, sonofabitch living in his grandmama's basement and getting money from the various women in his life including an ex wife. Or just last week I found out a former co-worker of mine had been in a manipulating mentally abusive relationship for years. And I'm willing to bet that if you ask any one of them why they put up with it when CLEARLY they weren't happy, they'd all give the EXACT same response...
Because I love him.
Jesus I've written poems about women like this... alloweth me to quote myself from a poem called "SOS"
...They say you should stand for something or fall for anything Well you done fell for the wrong one girlfriend/
But you ready to stand by your man and defend his dumb ass to the bitter end/
He got you so messed up you done cussed out your mama and your best friend/
and all they're trying to do is reason with you/ but when his dumb ass acts up they're the same ones you go running back to/
and they can't figure out why you stick by his ass/
even after he
beat yo' ass
treated you like trash/
cheated on you TWICE
gave you an STD
and paid for that OTHER chick's abortion with YOUR cash/...
Now I will freely admit, that I'm going through my own relationship issues right now, so one could probably argue I don't have room to talk...but seriously, if my biggest complaint to date is just that sometimes S is just a tad bit too sensitive, well then baby I'm doing damn good. I blame that on age and cultural differences. And the difference here is--yes I love S...
But S loves me back.
Food for thought.
jerry springer,
stupid women,
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Episode 9- It;s Deja Vu All Over Again
I've never been in a relationship with someone so aggravating in my entire life as my current (possibly soon to be ex...again!) SO.
Every time I think about S right now I'm itchin' to start fighting like two rednecks over their cousin. Uggh!
I can't take it. Damn sensitive ass!
I want to walk away so bad. Again. Actually let me get it straight...last time I wasn't the one that walked out. I just wasn't playing the I want to take you back game. And I'm not about to play that game now either...
I am just so sick of going back and forth over the same thing over and over. Sometimes S you just need to STFU. Every time I say something it's always taken so personal, like I just walk around deliberately trying to insult people. Now if you know anything about me, if I WANT to insult you there will be NO question about the deliberateness of my words. I'll admit I can be a real bitch if/when it's called for. But under normal circumstances I abhor conflict. So that being said...why must everything be an argument. Stop acting like a little biotch! It's not a good look.
I'm not saying you have to be hard, but damn! give that sensitive shit a rest sometimes sheesh! What's wrong with enjoying the relationship for what it is instead of always blowing stupid little petty stuff out of proportion. seriously got offended because I told you (jokingly mind you) that you suck! %$#@&! Are you fucking kidding! It's like I almost think you are purposely doing this shit to sabotage the relationship. And the worst part is I don't even think you realize it. Then when I do leave you'll be the first one crying (literally) about how you knew I was gonna leave you...really? fucking manipulative ass bullshit. Where they do that at? Lord forgive me I just had a true ghetto moment. You can't just be easy, shiiiiiit you just don't know... all that petty high school teeth sucking silent treatment phone hanging up reverse psychology bullshit doesn't work on me sweetie.
Now normally I don't use this blog to completely vent...rather to tell outrageous stories, but damn if this ain't a talk show moment I don't know what is. So let me say this as plainly as I can: S you are plucking my last nerve like it's a guitar string. I'm telling you now because no matter how much I love you, if you don't start acting like you have some damn sense I'm going to walk. Period. I'm gonna need you to get it together.
Ok. I'm done venting. just gonna sit back and STFU.
We now return you to our regularly scheduled program
Every time I think about S right now I'm itchin' to start fighting like two rednecks over their cousin. Uggh!
I can't take it. Damn sensitive ass!
I want to walk away so bad. Again. Actually let me get it straight...last time I wasn't the one that walked out. I just wasn't playing the I want to take you back game. And I'm not about to play that game now either...
I am just so sick of going back and forth over the same thing over and over. Sometimes S you just need to STFU. Every time I say something it's always taken so personal, like I just walk around deliberately trying to insult people. Now if you know anything about me, if I WANT to insult you there will be NO question about the deliberateness of my words. I'll admit I can be a real bitch if/when it's called for. But under normal circumstances I abhor conflict. So that being said...why must everything be an argument. Stop acting like a little biotch! It's not a good look.
I'm not saying you have to be hard, but damn! give that sensitive shit a rest sometimes sheesh! What's wrong with enjoying the relationship for what it is instead of always blowing stupid little petty stuff out of proportion. seriously got offended because I told you (jokingly mind you) that you suck! %$#@&! Are you fucking kidding! It's like I almost think you are purposely doing this shit to sabotage the relationship. And the worst part is I don't even think you realize it. Then when I do leave you'll be the first one crying (literally) about how you knew I was gonna leave you...really? fucking manipulative ass bullshit. Where they do that at? Lord forgive me I just had a true ghetto moment. You can't just be easy, shiiiiiit you just don't know... all that petty high school teeth sucking silent treatment phone hanging up reverse psychology bullshit doesn't work on me sweetie.
Now normally I don't use this blog to completely vent...rather to tell outrageous stories, but damn if this ain't a talk show moment I don't know what is. So let me say this as plainly as I can: S you are plucking my last nerve like it's a guitar string. I'm telling you now because no matter how much I love you, if you don't start acting like you have some damn sense I'm going to walk. Period. I'm gonna need you to get it together.
Ok. I'm done venting. just gonna sit back and STFU.
We now return you to our regularly scheduled program

jerry springer,
Today's JSM presents a video flashback
Damn I miss the 90s
Damn I miss the 90s
jerry springer,
yo mama
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Episode 8- Disappearing Acts

Let me begin by saying, that in the few short years that I've known her, H has had more bad luck than anyone I have ever met. I don't know what she did in a past life, but damn...
I had a chance to visit her a few months ago. She lives in a different state from me so I don't get to see her much but we do talk regularly. H has 5 kids, including a fairly new baby...about 6 months old now...her oldest being a teenager. So when I went to visit is when the drama began to unfold.
She tells me while we're talking that she is dating someone (she's not married)...actually let me correct myself, she tells me that she is engaged and is planning to move to Texas the following month. Now supposedly the story is the guy is a long time friend of the family. He was injured in an accident and paralyzed, but he also is supposedly fairly well off financially.
Ok, so who am I to knock love if it works for you!
But I digress. So a few weeks go by and I'm home and H calls me. I'm thinking maybe she moved and was getting settled in, but nope! Long story short after putting in the notice on her house and trying to get ready to move, there was an issue with the fiancee wiring the money she needed to move. First something about getting someone to do it because his primary caregiver was ill and then access to the accounts were frozen blah blah blah. I mean I don't have reason not to believe her story but it just gets as outrageous as they come. But wait there's more...
So fast forward a few more weeks to about two weeks ago... I'm sitting at work and I get a text from H. Again I'm thinking maybe she moved and was getting settled in, but nope! When I read the text my jaw nearly hit the floor...
Apparently she got the money somehow to make the move (or maybe not but she had to do something seeing as how she gave up her lease). Anyway, H and the kids drove all the way to Texas. Sometime supposedly while they were driving to Texas, the fiancee had some medical issues, had to go to the hospital, for some inexplicable reason got transferred to a hospital in Louisiana (???), had some sort of nervous breakdown I guess, checked himself out of the hospital and just disappeared.
Let me let you think on that one for a second...
Meanwhile H is in Texas with the kids and nowhere to go.
Remember what I said about bad luck? H has no family other than the kids. Most of her immediate family passed away at various points over the last few years. I think she may have one parent still living, but last I remember they're estranged.
Like I said crazy huh?
I'd be inclined to disbelieve everything I just said if I didn't have the text messages she sent me. I couldn't make this story up even in my often wild imagination. Last she told me she and the kids were living out of her van. That was two weeks ago. I don't know if the fiancee ever turned up. I don't really know the end of the story...
Unfortunately at the moment it happened, I wasn't really in a position to do anything to help and I'm still not. Even if I could, what would they do? They can't stay where they are and they can't go back...and if you believe the whole story I'd almost be willing to bet that something else is bound to almost seems inevitable.
As unbelievable as it is, that's where it stands. I'll post more when I know more, maybe by then I'll be able to wrap my head around it... wow!
jerry springer,
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