Friday, October 31, 2008

Why am I here? The Eternal Question

For whatever reason, (my latest theory being that I must've screwed someone over in a past life), things that seem improbable, next to impossible or just so outlandish they're fit for Jerry Springerdom seem to always happen to me.

I don't go looking for drama. I'm pretty upbeat, optimistic...occasionally (ahem!) sarcastic, but seriously, I sometimes believe that whatever force controls the universe is on serious joke time when it comes to me.

As a secondary incentive for more misadventures to occur, I have a penchant for talking things up. Don't let me even mention the possibility of some random event occurring because knowing how it works with me, it'll probably happen. If I knew how to channel it, I'm telling you I could make a mint betting the odds in Vegas.

I've reached the point now where all I can do is point and laugh and pray that I never find myself on Jerry Springer Uncut or on PayPerView.

In the meantime, I'm going to chronicle some of these "episodes" if for no other reason than I have nothing better to do than sit on my couch with a pint of beer, Ben & Jerry's, polishin' my one tooth and crying about the man I think might be my baby daddy while I type.

Truly it's not that serious, but you get the gist.

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