Thursday, March 24, 2011

Me Versus the World Round 1

I'm gonna need a few people in my life to put on their big girl underwear and get over themselves.

Last night was supposed to be a fun night.

Not so much.

Yeah it went downhill quick when the two people who are supposed to have my back creatively met for the first time and decided they didn't like each other. One acted an ass. The other acted an ass after the fact and I ended up having to get out on both of them--which, if you know me, for me to get angry enough to get out on ANYONE there had to have been a major offense.

So now I'm stuck in the middle of this bullshit and I'm thinking to myself is any of this really even worth it?

I'm so tired of everybody. They can keep their drama 'cause I have shit to do. I'm way past the fed up point with everything and everybody. I feel like if you don't have enough respect for what I'm trying to do or if you feel like I'm slighting you--don't wait for me to make a decision. You are grown people and you know how to fucking walk away.

Simple as that.

Now pull you big girl britches up and hold that.

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