Let me begin by saying, that in the few short years that I've known her, H has had more bad luck than anyone I have ever met. I don't know what she did in a past life, but damn...
I had a chance to visit her a few months ago. She lives in a different state from me so I don't get to see her much but we do talk regularly. H has 5 kids, including a fairly new baby...about 6 months old now...her oldest being a teenager. So when I went to visit is when the drama began to unfold.
She tells me while we're talking that she is dating someone (she's not married)...actually let me correct myself, she tells me that she is engaged and is planning to move to Texas the following month. Now supposedly the story is the guy is a long time friend of the family. He was injured in an accident and paralyzed, but he also is supposedly fairly well off financially.
Ok, so who am I to knock love if it works for you!
But I digress. So a few weeks go by and I'm home and H calls me. I'm thinking maybe she moved and was getting settled in, but nope! Long story short after putting in the notice on her house and trying to get ready to move, there was an issue with the fiancee wiring the money she needed to move. First something about getting someone to do it because his primary caregiver was ill and then access to the accounts were frozen blah blah blah. I mean I don't have reason not to believe her story but it just gets as outrageous as they come. But wait there's more...
So fast forward a few more weeks to about two weeks ago... I'm sitting at work and I get a text from H. Again I'm thinking maybe she moved and was getting settled in, but nope! When I read the text my jaw nearly hit the floor...
Apparently she got the money somehow to make the move (or maybe not but she had to do something seeing as how she gave up her lease). Anyway, H and the kids drove all the way to Texas. Sometime supposedly while they were driving to Texas, the fiancee had some medical issues, had to go to the hospital, for some inexplicable reason got transferred to a hospital in Louisiana (???), had some sort of nervous breakdown I guess, checked himself out of the hospital and just disappeared.
Let me let you think on that one for a second...
Meanwhile H is in Texas with the kids and nowhere to go.
Remember what I said about bad luck? H has no family other than the kids. Most of her immediate family passed away at various points over the last few years. I think she may have one parent still living, but last I remember they're estranged.
Like I said crazy huh?
I'd be inclined to disbelieve everything I just said if I didn't have the text messages she sent me. I couldn't make this story up even in my often wild imagination. Last she told me she and the kids were living out of her van. That was two weeks ago. I don't know if the fiancee ever turned up. I don't really know the end of the story...
Unfortunately at the moment it happened, I wasn't really in a position to do anything to help and I'm still not. Even if I could, what would they do? They can't stay where they are and they can't go back...and if you believe the whole story I'd almost be willing to bet that something else is bound to happen...it almost seems inevitable.
As unbelievable as it is, that's where it stands. I'll post more when I know more, maybe by then I'll be able to wrap my head around it... wow!
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