Friday, November 28, 2008

Episode 7- Holiday Drama part 1

So Thanksgiving is over. And Black Friday is really kinda feeling like just that. And I am thankful that it is almost over.

I know I shouldn't complain. Since my family moved away I didn't even spend my holiday with them but rather I took a drive down to Georgia and spent it with my little sister and a few friends...which if you didn't know meant some great JS moments. Here are the highlights:

Moment #1- Went to see V's band play. Fight breaks out. Band members pull an Eddie Kane. Show over. Have a few drinks. Caravan to the Dec. Crazy, drunk band member hits on me--gets left at party.

Moment #2- Go see my sister. Meet her new "friend." House gets invaded unexpectedly and unannounced by friend's family. Awkward moments galore. Friend's mother accuses my sister of flirting with friend's un-cute sister(!) Friend later has minor nervous breakdown. Fun times had by all.

Moment #3- Go to a friend's house to spend the rest of the week. Call the SO to say hey--awkward silence, awkward silence, SO: nooooooooo I'm not upset, crickets chirping, crickets chirping, SO: stop asking me there's nothing wrong. 5 more minutes of silence...Me: ok, well I'm gonna go--SO: well why don't you want to talk to me, nevermind just go hang with your friends-- click.


oh and there was so much more...those were just the highlights. Gotta love the holidays...and just think only a few more weeks until Christmas and that's when he real episodes will start. Woo hoo.

1 comment:

meili_lo said...

advance merry christmas =) hihi

thanks for sharing ur thoughts in shewrites. really really appreciate it.

anyway, got a new blog... it's like an anything goes blog, but ur thoughts would still mean a lot! do visit...maybe we can exchange links?
